The 'Library Catalog' search at the center of our homepage is the best way to begin searching Ramsey Library's collection. It includes books, ebooks, magazine and newspaper articles, scholarly journal articles, DVDs, streaming video, encyclopedia articles, and more. It does not include all of our databases, but it searches dozens of them at once. From the results screen, you can refine by material type, by scholarly & peer reviewed sources only, by date range, or even by disciplines. You can also search ASU and WCU for books by clicking on the 'ABC Express' button on the upper right of the results screen. Click 'request' to have them shipped to UNCA.
If you are only looking for books or ebooks and prefer a simpler interface, try our Classic Catalog.
If you need subject specific databases or would like to explore our full database collection, explore our A to Z Databases list here.
Need more control? Most of our database searches give you many options for searching in many different ways. Look for the 'Advanced search' to try it out. It is usually smart to start broadly with just a few words and refine carefully, saving good results with the permanent link or into Refworks so you can find them later.
If you are looking for something specific and we do not have it, we can usually get any books, journal articles, theses, and other materials via
Interlibrary Borrowing (for UNCA students, staff, and faculty).