Answered By: Brandy Bourne
Last Updated: Jul 03, 2018     Views: 34

Book Reviews:

Curious as how the book is regarded by critics and scholars? Try searching for book reviews in our databases. Some good choices are ProQuest Central (refine by Document Type >> Review), LexisNexis (refine under the 'Subject' categories from results), and Choice Reviews (for mostly academic books). For scholarly reviews, Project Muse and JSTOR (especially for books older than 3-5 years) are good choices. You can also limit your results to 'Reviews' (JSTOR) or 'Reviews Only' (in Project Muse). Additionally for popular books, our Novelist Plus database is a good choice, and has a powerful book suggestion (i.e., read-alike) engine. Please note that just because a book is published or is in our collection (much the same as articles), does not guarantee the objectivity and scholarly rigor or that book. We do purchase popular materials, recreational reading, fiction, as well as books with multiple viewpoints of issues.

Additionally, here are the Book Review Periodicals available in Ramsey Library's collection.

Lastly, if you are looking for more popular, generalized opinions of a book,, NPR Books, Kirkus Reviews, Publisher's WeeklyAudible, and Amazon are all good choices. 

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