First of all, you should only need your OnePort credentials to access our databases and e-resources off campus. That said many of our databases do also allow (and a very few require) you to create your own personal (database specific) accounts. Having a personal account can come in handy for databases like Mango Languages where you can save your progress in different language courses; in RBdigital where you can place holds on audiobooks and ebooks; and ProQuest Central where being logged into your account allows you to see your history of database searches, save and rearrange articles you like into folders, and easily create a bibliography of sources.
Since we have over 200 databases you probably will not want to create an account for every one of them, but for ones like ProQuest Central (where your personal account is also usable in our other 40+ ProQuest Databases) and those databases you find yourself using often, like those in your major, having your own account is probably a good idea.
If you have any issues or further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at