Answered By: Ramsey Library
Last Updated: Apr 12, 2022     Views: 923

You can find MSDS (Materials Safety Data Sheets) freely online by searching Google. Here is one chemical search I found effective: and this page is also helpful, though is getting dated:

For more online results, some good search terms are 'chemical safety search' or 'MSDS [with a specific chemical]' e.g., 'MSDS chlorine.' 

The library also has a standard handbook that will provide physical characteristics of chemical, but it is only available in print.  The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is shelved in the Reference section at call number REF QD 65 .H3 (beside the Research Desk) and previous editions of this book are available in the UNCA General Collection (the Q's are still on the Main Level just past the Tutoring Center in our Southwest quadrant. See Library Map Detail here). Those in the the General Collection can be checked out. We also recommend browsing in both these areas for additional books on chemical physical and safety information.  

You might also search Scifinder Scholar, a library subscription database that covers all areas of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, biochemistry, applied chemistry, and chemical engineering.
NOTE: to use SciFinder you must register. Registration is free, but you must use your UNCA email account.  Access the registration page from the library catalog at

Once you have registered you may search the database using the second link here

For additional information on chemistry research see our Chemistry Library Guide


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