Answered By: Brandy Bourne
Last Updated: Aug 07, 2018     Views: 797

You can print from any of the library's computer workstations simply by selecting the print option in any application, then selecting either RLOPAC-BW printers for Black and White, or RLOPAC-Color to print in color. 

Costs for 8½ x 11 letter sized printing:
Black and White printing is 5 cents per impression for one-sided pages, and 4 cents per side for double sided pages. That is, there is a one cent per impression discount for printing double sided. To say it another way, each double sided B&W print job is 8 cents per piece of paper. Color is 10 cents an impression for one-sided pages, and 9 cents per side for double sided prints. To clarify, each double sided color print job is 18 cents per piece of paper. Students get a $10 printing credit each semester and the balance rolls over until they graduate or transfer.

You can also print using your own phone, tablet, or laptop connected to the library's wifi network by using the system. Simply log-in with your OnePort credentials, upload your file and select to print in color or black and white and either 1-sided or 2-sided. You do not have to select an individual printer in the following step, simply click to continue and your print job will be sent to all Papercut printers. Your jobs can be picked up in the library at any of the three Papercut color copier printers located behind the Popular Magazines on the Main Level. 

Community members, Friends of the Library, and others can also print in the library. To do so, please purchase and add value to a community print card, available at the Circulation Desk.

Large format printing is available through the library's CrAFT Studio.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us here: