Answered By: Brandy Bourne
Last Updated: Jan 12, 2022     Views: 71

You can find books related to Appalachian Studies in many subject sections of the library, but these browsing areas may be good starting places (You can find these sections on our upper level):

F291.2 History of the Appalachian area
HC 79 Appalachian Region Economic conditions.
HN 79 Appalachian Region Social conditions
Additionally, the library has access to several online databases relevant to Appalachian Studies, which can be found here.
Also be sure to explore our Special Collections and University Archives as they specialize in material and culture of Asheville and Western North Carolina. 
Finally, you may want to consult our Appalachian Studies Research Guide for tips on searching our catalog and finding key journal databases.
Let us know if you have further questions here: